4 Steps to a Confrontation
We've all done it before: the meeting with the boss and you know it's not good, the supervisor who keeps harassing you, the performance evaluation you know is not fair. What do you do? How do you handle these types of situations and still come out on top?
When you submit your email address, you'll receive 4 Steps to a Confrontation. These are practical steps you can master in order to navigate these types of situations every time.
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PathfYnder: How I Use Emotional Control to Build Success and Get What I Want
“Throughout my military career I dealt with a lot of hostility and conflict. I dealt with a lot of toxic people and despite this, I was still very successful. My last few years in the military were so very traumatic and stressful. It was the most mentally challenging thing I had ever experienced. But using my previous experiences (training), I managed to come out on top. I want to show people how I did this.” - Master Sergeant Watkins